easeRequirements Ultimate

Elevate your requirements management with advanced features like a robust data model, UML support, reviews and quality checker. Ease Solutions proudly presents easeRequirements Ultimate, an advanced extension to our existing product, easeRequirements – Requirements Management for Jira (formerly R4J).

Key Features

Requirements Review

Streamline your review process with a structured approach, ensure effective analysis with role support. Improve communication throughout the review phase with enhanced collaboration.

Data Model Editor

Define and manage link relationships between different Jira issue types. Enhance your data models with precise control over issue interactions for efficient project management.

Editor for Scientific Formulas

Create and manage complex scientific formulas with ease using advanced editing tools. Ensure precise documentation in your requirements by a user-friendly interface.

And many more features...

Quick Linking

Create links between issues by simple drag-and drop.


Define glossary terms centrally and highlight them in every project.

Combine Baselines

Join sub-component baselines to a combined product snapshot.

Reuse Baseline

Recreate your product from an existing baseline.

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